Super Gab is an experiment in celluloid and paint. The project was born out of the curiosity of wondering what it would look like if you laid out Super 8 film strips the way that they look when you get them back from a film lab.
The next step was to add paint and filters to various frames and synchronise it all to music.
After a lot of experimenting and spilled paint Super Gab was born!
Selected Works
Paper Cut LondonProject type
Global Fashion AgendaProject type
Super GabProject type
Levis "Lightbox" SeriesProject type
Dorkzone - Malmö CityProject type
Saint Denis - Carhartt WIPProject type
Pig Barrier DIY - Malmö CityProject type
Lightworks - Carhartt WIPProject type
Click Click - Fujifilm & PolarskatecoProject type
Format Perspective - Carhartt WIPProject type
The Panoramic Series - Carhartt WIPProject type