Dorkzone was an initative created for Bryggeriet Skate Organisation.
The project was a collaboartion with artist Mike O'Shea who provided all of the props and animated characters and photographer Nils Svensson who produced and documented all of the stills in the project.
The video was used as the starting point for a series of ongoing creative workshops around Malmö city. Each workshop aimed to engage an interest in skate culture through learning how to animate, make skate graphics and of course how to skate.
Dorkzone continues to grow and expand into different fields of creativity and education.
Produced by Malmö Stad.
Selected Works
Paper Cut LondonProject type
Global Fashion AgendaProject type
Super GabProject type
Levis "Lightbox" SeriesProject type
Dorkzone - Malmö CityProject type
Saint Denis - Carhartt WIPProject type
Pig Barrier DIY - Malmö CityProject type
Lightworks - Carhartt WIPProject type
Click Click - Fujifilm & PolarskatecoProject type
Format Perspective - Carhartt WIPProject type
The Panoramic Series - Carhartt WIPProject type